
Where to find thesaurus in word 2010
Where to find thesaurus in word 2010

where to find thesaurus in word 2010
  1. #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 how to#
  2. #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 full version#
  3. #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 software#
  4. #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 Pc#
  5. #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 professional#

#Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 software#

  • Become more proficient and efficient at one of the most widely used software programs in history.
  • Save time and avoid frustration by familiarizing yourself with the wide variety of tools at your disposal in Word 2010.
  • #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 how to#

    Learn how to make the perfect layout for useful documents of any occasion - resumes, invitations, letters, articles, training materials, and much more.Gain the confidence you need to make the most of this indispensable software application.Explore the many ways to modify the appearance of your documents in order to suit your individual needs.Learn how to work on multiple projects at once and become faster and more efficient in a variety of Microsoft Word tasks.Acquire the skills and learn the tools you will need to adjust margins, spacing, layout, and design of any Word document.Learn the fundamentals of one of the most crucial software applications in the modern workplace.Finally, explore the advanced features of Word so you can make each document display text in the most appealing way possible. Learn how to use foreign language characters, mathematical symbols, or other unusual characters that don't appear on your keyboard. Unusual Characters and Other Advanced Features Then, learn the functionality of the Track Changes feature, which lets you record all the changes multiple authors may make to a single document. Learn about Word's various paragraph-formatting options so you can customize the appearance of all your paragraphs. Then, discover how to set and use margins, modify an entire document, or adjust the settings of a single page. Learn about Word's ability to print on different types of paper sizes and orientations so you can create more than just typical documents. Then, gain the skills involved in modifying your document so that you will be in complete control of the visual appeal of your text. Learn how to open, switch between, and view multiple documents so you can increase your productivity with Word. Then, learn more about how to edit and move text, and how to undo your mistakes. Learn how to save, format, share, rename, copy, and delete Word files so you'll always be in complete control of what you create. Then, learn the best methods for navigating a Word document and practice essential skills involved in creating and editing text. Learn how to use the different parts of Word 2010's user interface, how to look at your document in different types of views, how to zoom in and out to magnify or shrink your text, and how to change the margins of individual paragraphs. This hands-on course will help you master the basic features of this powerful word-processing program to professionally type, edit, and format text, and spell check and print documents. The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.Create professional-looking letters, reports, and documents using Microsoft Word 2010.

    where to find thesaurus in word 2010 where to find thesaurus in word 2010

  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.
  • #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 full version#

    Note that the "Starter Version" and "Web App" versions of Microsoft Word 2010 will not work with the full version of Word taught in this course. Microsoft Word 2010 or Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student or Microsoft Office 2010 Home Business or Microsoft Office 2010 (not included in enrollment).Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred.

    where to find thesaurus in word 2010

    By the time you're done with the step-by-step lessons and hands-on activities in this course, you'll be able to use Word confidently at home or on the job. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to add, move through, and edit text move words from one part of your document to another work on two or more documents simultaneously change the size or appearance of text change margins and tab settings automatically center, right align, justify, and indent text run the integrated grammar and spelling checker use the thesaurus and save, retrieve, copy, organize, and print your documents.

    #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 Pc#

    Master the basics of the word processor PC Magazine ranked as one of the "strongest and most intelligent programs ever written." Learn how to create and modify documents using Microsoft Word 2010, the world's most popular word processing program.

    #Where to find thesaurus in word 2010 professional#

    Course Catalog > Professional Development > Computer Applications > - Microsoft

    Where to find thesaurus in word 2010